Internet of Things | Best Course In Internet of Things in India - Compare And Choose | EdAuthority

                  Internet of Things | Best Course In Internet of Things in India - Compare And Choose | EdAuthority

  This course covers the basics of IOT, the different principles, and tools under it. Students will also learn about the different aspects that will help them build the Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for various problems.
  The content of the course is free but an in-person exam is mandatory for Certification, the fee of the exam in INR 1100.
  The course will enable students to learn to build IoT software from scratch. The course includes python programming, C++ basics, backend database management, data analytics with big data software like Hadoop and MapReduce. The program also introduces to technologies like sensors and controls, Natural Language Processing and Voice User Interfaces
  This program is designed to identify opportunities for organization-wide coordination and explore the implications of IoT adoption on both management and leadership.  This online course contains usage of case studies, interactive media and peer-to-peer learning. The course is a blend of real-world application of IoT technologies and its relevance.


Introduction to Internet of Things

IoT Software Foundation

Internet of Things: Business Implications and


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