Top 6 Big Data Analytics Trends for 2019 - EdAuthority Blog

                          Top 6 Big Data Analytics Trends for 2019 - EdAuthority Blog

Top 6 Big Data Analytics Trends for 2019
Big Data as a result of its interdependency on various modern technologies, continues to keep growing in modern business conglomerates. Increased data exploitation along with a constant pressure from the market make data analytical techniques a necessity for the corporate sector. The coming year places Big Data Analytics as the key sector to look out for in the field of IT. Here is a curated list of the Top 6 Business Trends to be expected in the evergreen field of Big Data Analytics.
Tomer Shiran, CEO and co-founder of Data Analytics firm Dremio, the backbone of open source Apache Arrow project, estimates that business corporations will see the need for a new role: The Data Curator.


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